
Starting off as a scout exchange program with Mongolia, BOOKBRIDGE has developed into an impactful and purpose-driven social enterprise. They serve as a platform for the next generation of leaders in Europe and Asia to be change makers. Their core …

The Plug-in

Investigating off-grid infrastructure for the ger areas of Ulaanbaatar. The Ger Plug-in (2016 – 2017) explores the possibility of providing off-grid infrastructure that meets the needs of the ger district residents in Ulaanbaatar. The prototype was a single modular unit called Ger …

Children Ger Project

Supporting vulnerable school drop-out children and youth. Children Ger (CG) is an NGO in the ger district of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, which provides elementary education to vulnerable children and youth who have dropped out of public school system due to poverty, disability, and …