Starting off as a scout exchange program with Mongolia, BOOKBRIDGE has developed into an impactful and purpose-driven social enterprise. They serve as a platform for the next generation of leaders in Europe and Asia to be change makers. Their core products are Capability Programs and associated Learning Centers.
BOOKBRIDGE engages talented and impact seeking citizens to build business and leadership skills through experiential learning by participating in their Capability Program. Through this program candidates from the Global North join hands with talents from the Global South to learn state-of-the-art business skills and develop as responsible leaders while creating community-based Learning Centers as tangible social enterprises. These Learning Centers are developed to deliver quality education and training based on the needs of the vulnerable communities in the geographical location of each center.
Lorinet Foundation has supported the capability program in several ways:
- Supporting first Learning Center in Mandalgovi, Mongolia:
Lorinet Foundation has provided support by participating in the capability program as a team member and actively invested time and resources collaborating with the local entrepreneurs, sharing relevant business experience, skills, know-how, and providing access to networks.
More information about the Madalgovi Learning Center
- Grant to setup second Learning Center in Sainshand, Mongolia:
Following the exceptional experience of participating in the capability program, Lorinet Foundation supported creation of another learning center through a grant.
More information about the Sainshand Learning Center
- Supporting expansion of BOOKBRIDGE to Asia by bringing Capability Program to Singapore:
At Lorinet Foundation we believe in the power of experiential learning and combining social entrepreneurship with business savvy, we would like to see the BOOKBRIDGE’s capability program take root in Asia. We are supporting this by providing time, resources, and access to networks.