Lorinet Foundation is honoured to be officially invited by the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia to join the Local Education Group (LEG), which is a country-led multi-stakeholder coordination platform for education sector planning and dialogue.
LEGs are promoted by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) as an effective mechanism for accelerating progress in the planning, implementation, and monitoring of nationally owned education sector policies. LEG members are represented by government agencies, development partners, professional associations, academia, civil society, and private sector players that advance agreed policy dialogue objectives.
Mongolian LEG is chaired by the Ministry of Education and Science and was set up to advance effective and efficient cooperation through the alignment of education sector activities among its members, including Ministries of Finance, Economic Development, General Authority for Education, UN agencies, World Bank, ADB, JICA, KOICA, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, German Association for International, Cooperation, National Institute of Education Research, All for Education NGO, Mongolian Teachers Associations as well Embassies of France, Japan, Germany, EU Delegation to Mongolia and others.
On Mar 14, 2023, LEG’s high-level consultation meeting was organised under the theme of ‘The Establishment of the LEG’ to present the government’s education sector policy reforms and key insights from the recently approved ‘GPE – System Capacity Grant’ to Mongolia. The meeting was concluded with discussions on pathways of advancing LEG’s role as a platform that further aligns and coordinates efforts of the key stakeholders active in the Mongolian education sector.
Lorinet Foundation is pleased to be recognised for our long-term strategic work towards advancing the education and employment outcomes of Mongolian children and youth. Going forward, we will be proactively participating in LEG’s activities by aligning our work with policy priorities, promoting best practices, sharing knowledge and evidence built through interventions supported by the foundation, and seeking synergies and collaboration opportunities.
To read Minister of Education and Science Mr Enkh-Amgalan’s interview in English, click here.